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Women's Health and Continence Services



What We Offer: 


  • Pregnancy Assessments​​​​

    • Real-time ultrasound +/- vaginal examination, exercise guidelines, heal​thly bladder and bowel habits, labour preparation, post-partum advice. 

  • Pregnancy Related Musculoskeletal Pain

    • Assessment, management and treatment of any pregnancy related musculoskeletal pain such as pelvic girdle pain, lower back pain, rectus abdoninis diastasis, thoracic pain, cervical pain and headaches. ​

  • 6-week Postnatal Checks

    • Real-time ultrasound +/- vaginal examination to assess for pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, pelvic organ prolapse, episiotomy and cesarean scar assessment and management, rectus abdominis diastasis assessment and management, musculoskeletal assessment, healthy bladder and bowel habits, pelvic floor muscle rehabilitaion, advice on returning to exercise and sexual intercourse. ​

  • Mastitis Treatment

    • Theraputic ultrasound, light massage, advice and education on home management strategies and referral for medical management if required. ​

  • Pelvic Pain and Sexual Pain

    • Assessment and treatment of various pelvic pain conditions including end​ometriosis, vaginismus and dyspareunia. Treatment options including pelvic floor muscle downtraining, pain education, lifestyle advice, dialator therapy, trigger point release, general fitness. 

  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse

    • Vaginal examination to assess, diagnose and treat pelvic organ prolapse. Treatment options includeing pelvic floor muscle training, lifestyle modifcations and referral for pessary insertion where indicated. ​

  • Urinary Incontinence

    • Assessment (real time ultrasound +/- vaginal examination), diagnosis and treatment of stress and urge urinary incontinence/overactive bladder. Treatment options including pelvic floor muscle training, lifestyle manage, bladder retraining and electrical stimulation. ​

  • Anorectal Dysfunction

    • Assessment, diagnosis and treatment of a variety of anorectal conditions such as constipation and faecal incontinence. Treatment option including pelvic floor muscle release, pelvic floor muscle training, advice and education regarding defecation dynamics, lifestyle and diet. ​

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